
Organizing to Meet the Needs of Homeless and Hungry

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I’d like to respond to your article “Thumbs Down--Three Days After Hands Across America, Shelter for Poor Is Blocked” (May 29).

When participation in a charitable event is pleasant, clean and fun, we are all enthusiastic about it. Most would say, for example, that it was absolutely wonderful to be a part of Hands Across America. It was moving, exhilarating and astounding to be part of something so worthwhile and yet so fun.

But ask us to participate in a charitable activity that is unpleasant, risky, financially unsure or may bring “those kinds of people”--the poor--too close to home, and the answer is, “No Way!”


The people of Anaheim who voted against the Hope temporary housing project for the poor were so incredibly and accurately true to human nature that it is a tragic, sad and an extremely embarrassing statement on our society--a society in which nearly 4 million people held hands in unity and in support of programs for the poor only days earlier.

Wake up, Anaheim! The poor are already at your door; formally caring for them can only help to benefit their lives and, surprisingly, your own.


Costa Mesa
