
Week in Review : MAJOR EVENTS, IMAGES AND PEOPLE IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWS. : CITIES : Investigation Into Death of Autistic Boy Reopened

<i> Times staff writers Kim Murphy, Kristina Lindgren and Nancy Wride compiled the Week in Review stories. </i>

Prosecutors have reopened an investigation into the death of a 14-year-old autistic boy who died of asphyxiation, and the teacher who sat on the misbehaving youth has been fired from her job for misapplying restraint techniques.

Jeanne Warnecke was fired from the Gill Education Center after a state investigation of her conduct in the May 4 death of Barth Pico, a slender retarded boy who began misbehaving three days earlier on a bus to the county facility in Huntington Beach.

Warnecke’s attorney, Paul Meyer, said the 32-year-old teacher would appeal the dismissal at a hearing.
