
AND WAIT, THERE’S MORE: If you thought...

AND WAIT, THERE’S MORE: If you thought Hands Across America was getting some bad press these days, wait till you see the new issue of Spin magazine (due on the newsstands Tuesday), which is highlighted by a scathing six-page expose of Live Aid. Written by Spin contributor Robert Keating, the piece charges that Live Aid’s well-intentioned efforts may have helped kill more people in Ethiopia than it saved. Quoting relief agency organizers and Africa-based anthropologists, Keating claims the Ethiopian government has confiscated or diverted to its own army huge amounts of famine relief. As Jason Clay, an anthropologist studying famine in Ethiopia, put it: “People are dying because of their government, and what groups like Live Aid are doing is helping the government set up a system that is going to cause people to die for decades to come.” . . . Stevie Winwood’s long-awaited new record, “Back in the High Life Again,” is due out next week on Island Records. It features two producers (Russ Titelman and Nile Rodgers) and the title track boasts a duet between Winwood and James Taylor. . . . Also on the duet front: The first single from the upcoming “Club Paradise” sound track, “Seven Day Weekend,” features the unlikely duo of Jimmy Cliff and Elvis Costello. Cliff (who also co-stars in the film with Robin Williams) did the majority of the score, which should be in the stores just before the film opens on July 11.
