
‘Scanty Uniforms’ Lawsuit

It is interesting that on the same day that a Conrad cartoon appeared depicting the high cost of living due to lawyers and insurance companies, a story appeared about a waitress suing her restaurant employer because her uniform causes sexual harassment. She may very well have a good case in court, but the question to me is why does this situation belong in court in the first place?

The situation is identical to that of millions of other people who constantly consider the pros and cons of their jobs, and then make their career decisions.

After reading the story, I could not help but consider the long list of pros to Boyer’s situation. She was probably hired over women with more waitress experience because of her youth and good looks. But she had no complaints then. She then earned an incredibly large amount of money for the amount of training and involvement required for her job.


Rusty Pelican has found the formula to be very successful in the highly competitive restaurant industry, and Boyer has shared in that success for five years. If she has gotten to the point where the cons of her job outweigh the pros, her decision is that what thousands of others do daily. If she is, in fact, a dedicated and professional waitress, there are plenty of other waitress positions available. But the job she has now is one of the few where she can earn three times as much as a college graduate joining the work force after financing four years of college.

The lesson is that good things take time and preparation.


