
GOP Group Backs Rosenberg; Orange County Unit Protests

Reversing their April 13 decision to make no endorsement, directors of the 4,000-member California Young Republicans have decided to back management consultant and former Orange County YR president Nathan Rosenberg over five-term incumbent Rep. Robert E. Badham (R-Newport Beach) in the 40th congressional race.

However, shortly after the endorsement was announced, leaders of Orange County’s YR chapter asked Wednesday that it be rescinded.

They argued--to no avail--that because Orange County’s newly elected chapter president, Martin Ageson, had opposed any endorsement and was not notified of Monday night’s telephone balloting, the action should not stand.


Brett Barbre, the local chapter’s public relations director, said that some of the 300 members are backing Rosenberg in the June 3 election but that most favor Badham.

Urged at Rosenberg’s Request

Late Wednesday, state YR President Cathy Ferrar, a strong Rosenberg supporter, said she had urged the endorsement at Rosenberg’s request and was unaware that the Orange County chapter had voted to remain neutral in the Rosenberg-Badham primary.

Ferrar said that once Rosenberg decided to run for office in March, an “acting chairman of record” was appointed to represent Orange County on the statewide board until the chapter elected a new president. Ferrar said that she was unaware, until Ageson complained Wednesday, that he had taken over as president.


“Had I known--if Martin had called--I wouldn’t have considered it (the endorsement),” Ferrar said.

However, now that an endorsement has been made, Ferrar said she did not want to create “a field day even more.”

“We could rescind,” Ferrar added, “but in the scheme of things, this thing (the election) is going to be done in two weeks.”


Rosenberg said Wednesday that he welcomed the endorsement and that he will be mentioning it in his campaign literature.
