
Kids as Propaganda Couriers

We founders of the Committee Against Tax Supported Culture have been asked for our response to the Conejo school district’s exploitation of our school children by using them as couriers of pro-Measure C political propaganda. And we have been asked whether we will demand equal time to get our message across.

We believe that the school members and superintendent have behaved irresponsibly and shamelessly in using teachers, students and taxpayer funds to conduct political activity. Whether they believed they were acting in the interest of the school district is irrelevant. Their behavior was improper, unethical and wrong.

By their example our school officials taught our children that political ethics may be disregarded and that the citizenry should base their political opinions on governmental authority. We are obliged to combat these loathsome teachings in no uncertain terms.


Therefore, we do not demand equal time. We welcome donations from concerned citizens, but we will not accept governmental assistance in getting our message across. Students and other citizens should be assured that, even in Thousand Oaks, some political activists uphold sound ethical and moral principles. Win or lose, we refuse to exploit teachers, schoolchildren and tax money for political advantage.

However, we do insist on one thing. School board members must apologize in writing to individual students, parents, teachers and opponents of Measure C, and they must solemnly promise that they will never indulge in such unseemly behavior again. Apologies to parents may be sent home with the students, but the printing costs must be borne by the Measure C Committee, not the taxpayers. This is only fair.

If school officials do this promptly, well before the June 3 election, all is forgiven and we begin anew. Without such a remedy, this episode may escalate considerably.






Thousand Oaks
