
Cushman Quits SDSU Fund-Raising Job

Steve Cushman, executive director of the Aztec Athletic Foundation, said Tuesday he has resigned effective June 30. Cushman, 40, has been the Aztecs’ chief fund-raiser since January, 1984.

“I said when I took this job that I didn’t plan on working here longer than three years,” Cushman said. “There is no upward mobility for you to move up to the next level.”

With the arrival of Athletic Director Fred Miller last December, Cushman said there is no need for his position at SDSU.


“I was a fund-raising manager and they don’t need one of those anymore,” Cushman said. “With Fred here now, the emphasis is on ticket sales.”

Miller could not be reached for comment Tuesday but said in a statement, “We appreciate all (Steve) did for San Diego State, and we certainly wish him well.”

Cushman is the fourth Aztec Athletic Foundation director to leave the job in the last seven years. Last summer, former Athletic Director Mary Alice Hill attempted to fire Cushman, but SDSU President Thomas B. Day reversed the decision. Hill later resigned and was succeeded by Miller.


Cushman said he has accepted a job as director of direct marketing for I.M. Printed Products Corp. of San Diego. IPC produces specialty items for 1,100 college bookstores. Cushman also plans to serve as a consultant for a variety of non-profit organizations.

“We’re in the third year of our fund-raising program at SDSU and I’m happy with what we’ve accomplished,” Cushman said. “I met a lot of people. It’s just time to move on and do something else.”
