
Child Care Service Scarce in Downey

Recently many communities held marches as part of a statewide “Care for Children” campaign in an effort to educate the public about child care services. To my knowledge, no cities in the Southeast area participated, although many articles appeared in this part of The Times about communities that are concerned: most recently, “Corporate Center Preschool” (Southeast / Long Beach sections, Page 2, April 17).

Unfortunately, I have never seen any indication that Downey has done anything to help single parents and others who require reasonably priced, quality child care. As a new resident of this area whose children are raised, I may have missed something; however, my younger acquaintances, mostly women, tell me that there is real difficulty obtaining child care services in this city.

Since Downey appears to be a traditional but reasonably progressive community, I do not feel that it has exactly buried its head in the sand regarding this situation, but I do feel it may have “looked the other way” when it comes to recognizing this problem. While child care is needed at all times, with summer almost upon us it is a particularly good time for the city, the schools, the churches and the corporate community to concentrate their combined efforts (toward) working on a solution that will provide affordable, safe, dependable child care services for those who need them.



