
Suspension of Doonesbury Strips

You say that it is your responsibility “to guard against publishing damaging material we know to be overdrawn and unfair.” Come on folks, do you really think that you’re able to judge a comic strip “grossly exaggerates the real and alleged transgressions of many Reagan Administration appointees” better than your readers? Aren’t we mature enough to simply not view any part of your paper that may confuse or disgust our itty-bitty psyches or egos?

Could the problem really be the your itty-bitty psyches or egos are anticipating the heat you might take if you do publish Doonesbury later, and that most of that heat would come from your advertisers, not your readership? “Oh no, we would never think that,” says the editor to the questioner, all the time looking over his or her shoulder for the god of reality to appear.


Palm Desert
