
Universal, WTBS Revive ‘Leave It to Beaver’ : Turner’s Atlanta Superstation to Air 74 New Episodes of Old Show

Ted Turner, the Atlanta broadcaster who bought MGM recently and became Hollywood’s newest mogul, announced his first big television production deal Thursday--with Universal Studios. Turner, right, posed with Sid Sheinberg, president of MCA, Universal’s parent, during a press conference Thursday at the Universal lot. The subject, closely guarded until the reporters showed up, was an agreement for Universal to produce 74 episodes of “The New Leave It to Beaver” series for exclusive initial satellite broadcasting on Turner’s WTBS Atlanta superstation starting in September. Both Sheinberg and Turner wore “Mayfield High School” sweaters, in honor of the mythical town where the program is set. Sheinberg sought to limit questions to the “Beaver” program and introduced its cast of original actors and some other new ones in front of the house used in the original series 25 years ago. However, Turner said it is possible that MGM will also make some new TV programming for WTBS. Afterward, Turner’s financial chief, William C. Bevins Jr., declined to discuss reports that Turner’s negotiations with financier Charles W. Knapp to sell part or all of the MGM lot in Culver City have grown more intense. Bevins said he has had approaches from about 20 potential buyers and expects to decide by late May on the course of MGM.
