
Land Institute Seeks Entries in Competition

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is accepting entries in its 1986 Awards for Excellence competition, which recognizes innovative large- and small-scale land development projects that demonstrate superior design, relevance to contemporary issues and needs, and resourceful land utilization.

Categories are residential, recreational, urban development/mixed use, industrial/office parks, commercial/retail, and other development including new communities and rehabilitation projects.

A project, to be considered, must be substantially completed, show evidence of financial viability, be located in the United States or Canada, and demonstrate a relevance to contemporary and future community needs.


Entries must be submitted by May 15 and awards will be presented during ULI’s fall meeting in Chicago on Oct. 22-25. Information and entry forms may be obtained from Lisa Christenson, Marketing/Public Affairs Division, Urban Land Institute, 1090 Vermont Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C., 20005.
