
Fishing Report : Corvina Catches Top Salton Sea Action

Excellent corvina fishing was reported this week in the Salton Sea, with most catches averaging between 16 and 18 pounds and some more than 20 pounds.

“For consistency over the sea, this is the best April I’ve seen in 10 years,” said Jerry Netzley, landing operator at Poor Richard’s.

Netzley said live baits were working best from North Shore to Red Hill.

Sargo, croaker and tilapia have been doing well since early last week, when the sea’s water temperature rose four degrees.


WILLOW BEACH--Melody Jones, Las Vegas, 6-12 rainbow trout on silver lure. Good for trout on Colorado River at the hatchery. Average 2 1/2 to 3 pounds, 18 inches long.

LAKE MEAD--Striped bass good in Vegas Wash area, 60 feet down on anchovies. Iceberg Canyon and Temple Bar areas good for stripers. Largemouth bass slowing due to winds. Largemouth good at Overton Arm, Iceberg Canyon and Bonelli Bay on live and plastic baits. Catfish slow due to cooler water temperature.

BULLHEAD CITY--Largemouth bass good on Lake Mohave especially in the coves by trolling. Trout and striped bass on Colorado River. Catfish and largemouth bass good at Topock Marsh.


SALTON SEA--Good for big corvina from North Shore to Red Hill.

LAKE CACHUMA--Trout best bet by trolling at North Shore at 20 feet. Bass in shallow water.

LAKE CASITAS--Good for bass and redear sunfish in shallow water. Largest this week 12-12. Trout good by trolling near dam.

LAKE PYRAMID--Trout picking up. Crappie and striped bass fair to good. Ron Thomas, Simi Valley, 28-0 striped bass on lead head jig on Monday. Hyun Bang, Canoga Park, four stripers weighing 10 pounds.

LAKE PIRU--Trout best bet on nightcrawlers and cheese near marina and San Felicia and Reasnor coves. Bass fair on variety of baits. Stan Kiefer, Inglewood, 7-8 bass. Catfish slow.


LAKE ISABELLA--Crappie picking up near shore. Bass good. Catfish slow, but some good catches at night.

LAKE CASTAIC--Crappie picking up. Bass and catfish good. Bob Hall, Tujunga, 9-10 bass; Bill Wagner, Mar Vista, 19-3. Good limits of trout.

SAN DIEGO LAKES--Otay: Good for bass and bluegill. Top Bass catches: 9-8, 7-12. San Vicente: Good for bass and rainbow trout. Channel catfish fair. Miramar: Bass fair. Rainbow trout excellent. Top catch: 7-5 rainbow. El Capitan: Bass best bet. Crappie and redear sunfish fair. Sutherland: Bass best bet. Top catch: 10-14. Hodges: Bass and bluegill fair.

IRVINE LAKE--Trout best bet. Bass spawning. Crappie good near dock in shaded areas.

LAKE IRWINDALE--Catfish slow. Best bet is trout up to 2 pounds. South lake best area.

VAIL LAKE--Good for bass, bluegill and crappie. Catfish slow.

BISHOP AREA--Pleasant Valley Reservoir best bet for trout. Lower Owens river running high, fishing fair. Fly fishing good.

Saltwater The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

SAN SIMEON--12 anglers (1 boat): 1 ling cod, 96 red rock cod.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--18 anglers (1 boat): 7 ling cod, 10 rock cod, 250 red snapper, 10 sand bass.


MARINA DEL REY--53 anglers (1 boat): 3 halibut, 18 sand bass, 15 rockfish, 30 mackerel.

SAN PEDRO (Ports O’ Call)--48 anglers (2 boats): 82 calico bass, 50 sand bass, 2 halibut, 16 blue perch, 30 whitefish, 20 rockfish. (22nd St. Landing)--32 anglers (1 boat): 1 yellowtail, 1 white sea bass, 126 calico bass, 10 whitefish, 6 blue perch, 21 rockfish.

LONG BEACH (Belmont Pier)--31 anglers (2 boats): 332 rockfish, 12 halibut.

NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--24 anglers (2 boats): 3 halibut, 5 bass, 18 rockfish, 31 mackerel.

SEAL BEACH--20 anglers (1 boat): 150 rock cod, 2 cow cod.

DANA WHARF--75 anglers (3 boats): 29 bass, 1 halibut, 1 rockfish, 110 mackerel.

SAN DIEGO (Islandia)--32 anglers (2 boats): 4 sand bass, 1 sole, 52 mackerel, 123 rockfish. Trout Plants

A list of waters scheduled to be planted by the Department of Fish and Game, weather and road conditions permitting, by counties:

LOS ANGELES--Arroyo Seco Creek, Big Tujunga Creek (Upper and Lower), Bouquet Canyon Creek, Castaic Lake, Castaic Lagoon, El Dorado Park Lake, Little Rock Reservoir, Malibu Creek, Peck Road Park Lake, Piru Creek (Frenchman’s Flat), San Gabriel River (East, West and North forks), Santa Fe Reservoir.

ORANGE--Trabuco Creek.

RIVERSIDE--Evans Lake, Skinner Lake.

SAN DIEGO--Doane Pond, San Luis Rey River, Sweetwater River.

SAN BERNARDINO--Arrowbear Lake, Colorado River (Needles), Cucamonga-Guasti Park Lake, Glen Helen Park Lake, Green Valley Lake, Jenks Lake, Lytle Creek (Middle and North forks), Mojave Narrows Park Lake, Yucaipa Park Lake.


SANTA BARBARA--Santa Ynez River.

VENTURA--Matilija Creek, Santa Paula Creek, Ventura River (North Fork).

KERN--Hart Park Lake, Kern River (Dorell Powerhouse to Democrat Dam, KR3 Powerhouse to Lake Isabella).

INYO--Cottonwood Creek, Diaz Lake, Georges Creek, Independence Creek, Lone Pine Creek, Tuttle Creek.
