
Congress and the NRA

I was shocked at the arrogance of your assumption that no congressman could have an opinion that differed from yours. If anyone voted other than the way you wanted on gun control, it was obvious to you he must have been “paid off.”

It might be possible (and you may not have thought of this) that some members of Congress have an honest opinion other than yours.

I have a higher regard of the overall honesty of our legislators than you obviously have. Their votes don’t always go the way I would like, but I try to remember that they may have legitimate, honest opinions other than mine.

This open and peaceful discussion and settling of differences is what makes our system the greatest in the world and prevents us from falling into totalitarianism or elitism.


I know you feel you know what is best for all of us and I don’t object to your saying so. However, I do object to your saying that anyone who differs from you must be dishonest.

You have the right, even the obligation, to say you think Congress is wrong. But you go too far when you say that if they don’t agree with you they have been “paid off.”

I remain a faithful reader, however I am disappointed in your editorial arrogance.


South Pasadena
