

In “Wings and Things,” also at Inner City Cultural Center, a new angel returns to Earth, determined to reform a group of prostitutes in order to earn her wings.

The prostitutes are much more interesting than the angel. As they strut through Ka-Ron Brown’s choreography, singing the pop tunes of WM Stevenson and Sammy Friedman, costumed by Frank Billeci in one vivid outfit after another, the streetwalkers walk away with the show.

Playing their leader, Pat Hodges is especially skilled at overcoming the deadening effect of canned instrumentals with her simmering vocal solos. She sounds as if she might go over the edge at any moment, which is exactly how this character ought to sound.


By contrast, the angel (Jessica Smith) is a smug, sanctimonious bore. Writers WM Stevenson and Lonnie Stevens would do her a favor by letting the prostitutes teach her as much as she teaches them, or at least allowing her an occasional comic wrinkle.

Cliff Roquemore’s staging is sluggish. The show began much too late last Thursday, but performances are supposed to start at 8 p.m. Thursdays through Sundays, 1308 S. New Hampshire Ave., (213) 387-1161.
