
Irvine : New College to See Its Name in Lights

Students and faculty at Orange County’s newest community college want people to know it’s there.

Irvine Valley College became an official, separate institution only last July. Before then, it was known as the North Campus of Saddleback College in Mission Viejo.

Irvine Valley College officials said Wednesday that a drive has been launched to raise money for a large, attractive marquee that will mark the entrance to the college at the corner of Jeffrey Road and Irvine Center Drive.


The corner location currently is occupied by an orange grove “and many people say they can’t find us--they can’t see us,” said Susan Clark, the college’s public information officer. “This new marquee will be like the one Saddleback College has on Marguerite Parkway (in Mission Viejo). The marquee will be lighted, and it’ll allow us to post notices about campus events.”

Clark said that the student government, Associated Students of Irvine Valley College, has already donated $2,500 toward the cost of the marquee. That amount was matched by the private, fund-raising auxiliary of the college district, Clark said.

The estimated cost is between $15,000 and $18,000. “We’ll be raising more money for the marquee at an auction April 29, from noon to 1 p.m., in the campus courtyard,” Clark said, adding:


“This is something we’ve wanted a long time. We hope to have it constructed by fall.”
