
Job Hunting

The other weekend, as I went job hunting, I became very frustrated and upset. I noticed that I was given a very common response from many of the employees and managers where I sought work. This response became very annoying after so many attempts to apply. When I asked, “Are you accepting applications?” Their response was, “Are you 18 and do you have experience?” Of course my answer was no. After all, I’m only 15 1/2 and this is my first job.

It really is annoying for someone my age looking for a job. I feel that if people are that determined to get a job they should at least be given the chance.

It really is upsetting. However, here’s a word of advice for those eager teens seeking employment: the next time someone tells you that they need someone with experience, you ask them, “How do people expect me to get experience if they don’t give me a chance?”



Los Angeles
