
Tourist Offices of the States

Each state has an office of tourism to provide assistance to visitors. Vacationers planning to travel to these areas should write for information. Be as specific as possible.

ALABAMA: Bureau of Tourism and Travel, 532 S. Perry St., Montgomery 36130; (800) 252-2262.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. April 20, 1986 Tourist Offices’ Phone Numbers
Los Angeles Times Sunday April 20, 1986 Home Edition Travel Part 7 Page 4 Column 1 Travel Desk 1 inches; 35 words Type of Material: Correction
The 800 phone numbers given in last week’s Summer Travel issue for the state tourist offices of Minnesota and New York did not apply to calls from here. For calls from California, the Minnesota number is (800) 328-1461 and New York is (518) 474-4116.

ALASKA: Alaska Division of Tourism, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, P.O. Box E, Juneau 99811; (907) 465-2010.

ARIZONA: Arizona Office of Tourism, 1480 E. Bethany Home Road, Suite 180, Phoenix 85014; (602) 255-3618.


ARKANSAS: Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism, 1 Capitol Mall, Little Rock 72201; (501) 371-1511.

CALIFORNIA: California Office of Tourism, 1121 L St., Suite 103, Sacramento 95814; (800) TO-CAL-IS.

COLORADO: Colorado Tourism Board, 5500 S. Syracuse Circle, Suite 267, Englewood 80111; (800) 255-5550.


CONNECTICUT: Department of Economic Development, 210 Washington St., Hartford 06106; (203) 566-3385.

DELAWARE: Delaware State Travel Service, 99 Kings Highway, P.O. Box 1401, Dover 19901; (800) 441-8846.

FLORIDA: Division of Tourism, 107 W. Gaines St., Suite 410D, Tallahassee 32301; (904) 488-4141.


GEORGIA: Department of Industry and Trade, P.O. Box 1776, Atlanta 30301; (404) 656-3545.

HAWAII: Hawaii Visitors Bureau, 3440 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 502, Los Angeles 90010; (213) 385-5301.

IDAHO: Idaho Tourism, Room 108, State Capitol, Boise 83720; (800) 635-7820.

ILLINOIS: Illinois Office of Tourism, State of Illinois Center, 100 W. Randolph St., Suite 3-400, Chicago 60601; (312) 917-4732.

INDIANA: Tourism Division, Indiana Department of Commerce, 1 N. Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis 46204; (317) 232-8860.

IOWA: Iowa Development Commission, Tourism Division, 600 E. Court Ave., Suite A, Des Moines 50309; (515) 281-3100.

KANSAS: Travel and Tourism Division, Kansas Department of Economic Development, 400 West 8th St., 5th Floor, Topeka 66603; (913) 296-3481.

KENTUCKY: Kentucky Department of Travel Development, Capitol Plaza Tower, 22nd Floor, Frankfort 40601; (800) 225-8747.


LOUISIANA: Office of Tourism, P.O. Box 94291, Baton Rouge 70804-9291; (800) 231-4730.

MAINE: Maine Publicity Bureau, 97 Winthrop St., Hallowell 04347; (207) 289-2423.

MARYLAND: Office of Tourist Development, 45 Calvert St., Annapolis 21401; (301) 269-3517.

MASSACHUSETTS: Department of Commerce and Development, Division of Tourism, 100 Cambridge St., Boston 02202; (617) 727-3201.

MICHIGAN: Travel Bureau, Department of Commerce, Box 30226, Lansing 48909; (800) 5432-YES.

MINNESOTA: Minnesota Tourism Division, 240 Bremer Building, 419 N. Robert St., St. Paul 55101; (800) 228-1461.

MISSISSIPPI: Mississippi Department of Economic Development, Division of Tourism, P.O. Box 849, Jackson 39205; (800) 647-2290.

MISSOURI: Missouri Division of Tourism, P.O. Box 1055, Jefferson City 65102; (314) 751-4133.

MONTANA: Travel, Montana Department of Commerce, 1424 9th Ave., Helena 59620; (800) 548-3390.

NEBRASKA: Travel and Tourism, State Department of Economic Development, P.O. Box 94666, Lincoln 68509; (800) 228-4307.


NEVADA: Nevada Commission on Tourism, Capitol Complex, Carson City 89710; (702) 885-4322.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Office of Vacation Travel, P.O. Box 856, Concord 03301; (603) 271-2343.

NEW JERSEY: Division of Travel and Tourism, Department of Commerce, CN 826, 1 W. State St., Trenton 08625; (609) 292-2470.

NEW MEXICO: Travel Division, Bataan Memorial Building, Santa Fe 87503; (800) 545-2040.

NEW YORK: Division of Tourism, Department of Commerce, 1 Commerce Plaza, Albany 12245; (800) CALL-NYS.

NORTH CAROLINA: Travel and Tourism Division, Department of Commerce, 430 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh 27611; (800) VISIT-NC.

NORTH DAKOTA: Tourism Promotion Division, State Capitol Grounds, Bismarck 58505; (800) 437-2077.

OHIO: Office of Travel & Tourism, P.O. Box 1001, Columbus 43216; (800) 848-1300.

OKLAHOMA: Tourism and Recreation Department, Marketing Services Division, 500 Will Rogers Building, Oklahoma City 73105; (405) 521-2406.

OREGON: Tourism Division, Oregon Economic Development Department, 595 Cottage St. N.E., Salem 97310; (800) 547-7842.


PENNSYLVANIA: Travel Development Bureau, Department of Commerce, 416 Forum Building, Harrisburg 17120; (800) VISIT-PA.

RHODE ISLAND: Rhode Island Department of Economic Development, 7 Jackson Walkway, Providence 02903; (401) 277-2601.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, Inquiry Sections, P.O. Box 71, Columbia 29202; (803) 758-8570.

SOUTH DAKOTA: Division of Tourism, P.O. Box 6000, Pierre 57501; (605) 773-3301.

TENNESSEE: Department of Tourist Development, P.O. Box 23170, Nashville 37202; (800) VISIT-TN.

TEXAS: Texas Tourist Development Agency, Box 12008, Capitol Station, Austin 78711; (512) 463-2400.

UTAH: Travel Council, Council Hall, Capitol Hill, Salt Lake City 84114; (801) 533-5681.

VERMONT: Travel Division, Agency of Development and Community Affairs, 134 State St., Montpelier 05602; (802) 828-3236.


VIRGINIA: Division of Tourism, 202 North 9th St., Suite 500, Richmond 23219; (804) 786-2051.

WASHINGTON: Department of Trade and Economic Development, Tourist Promotion Division, 101 General Administration Building, Olympia 98504; (800) 541-9274.

WASHINGTON, D.C.: Washington Convention and Visitors Assn., 1575 Eye St. N.W., Suite 250, Washington, D.C. 20005; (202) 789-7000.

WEST VIRGINIA: Travel Development Division, 1900 Washington St. E., Building 6, Room B-564, Charleston 25305; (800) CALL-WVA.

WISCONSIN: Wisconsin Division of Tourism, P.O. Box 7606, Madison 53707; (608) 266-2161.

WYOMING: Wyoming Travel Commission, Frank Norris Jr. Travel Center, Cheyenne 82002; (800) CALL-WYO.
