
Move for Eviction

I can’t tell you what a terrible disappointment I felt in reading David Reyes’ article regarding the attempt to evict John Rogers (March 28).

The actions of the landlord, Wycliffe Bible Translators, are indefensible. As a Jewish-Christian, I feel embarrassed and ashamed that a “Christian” organization would ever undertake such actions, especially under this present set of circumstances.

Here we have a serviceman, with two young, impressionable children, being shown how some people express Christian tolerance and love. And Wycliffe is already charging him almost twice as much as the others in the apartment complex.


What an outstanding opportunity the Wycliffe organization has thrown away. They must be familiar with what the Bible teaches concerning witnessing and bringing the Gospel to all. What better opportunity could they ever have, than to be an example of Christian brotherhood to Rogers and his sons.

On the behalf of good people everywhere, I want to apologize to Rogers for the actions of Wycliffe, and I want him to know that their actions don’t necessarily represent the feelings or beliefs of all Christians.


Huntington Beach
