

Oceanside officials got the green light Wednesday to proceed with a $3.6-million project to rebuild the city’s historic wooden pier.

Meeting in Santa Cruz, the California Coastal Commission voted unanimously to award the city a permit to demolish the aging, storm-damaged structure and reconstruct it to its original length of 1,600 feet. The city is spending $1.6 million on the project, which is also being funded by grants and loans from several state and federal sources.

On the recommendation of their staff, commissioners attached a few minor conditions to the permit. Planner Paul Webb said that city officials were required to provide adequate parking for the restaurants and other businesses that will be built atop the pier and attempt to minimize the impacts the reconstruction will have on beach visitors.


The wooden pier, the longest structure of its type on the West Coast when it was built in 1947, has lost nearly half its length in winter storms since 1978.
