
Sign Curbs Extended in La Canada

The La Canada Flintridge City Council has extended a temporary prohibition on building or expanding off-site billboards for 10 1/2 months to give the city Planning Commission time to draft a permanent ordinance.

Off-site signs are those located off a business’s property.

The council Monday unanimously approved the extension of an urgency ordinance that has been in effect since Feb. 18.

Under state law, urgency ordinances cannot be imposed for more than a year total, city Planning Director Bill Campbell said.


City planners requested the extension, saying they needed more time to determine whether seven existing billboards in Foothill Boulevard’s commercial district have valid building permits and conform to zoning laws.

Council members have expressed concern that proliferation of such signs will destroy the semi-rural nature of the community.

The action was originally prompted by a request from Gannett Outdoor Advertising to expand two billboards on Foothill Boulevard, the city’s main thoroughfare.
