
The State - News from April 8, 1986

Activists marching for nuclear disarmament remained camped just inside the California border, waiting for organizers to clear up permit requirements in Nevada, a spokesman said. The Great Peace March for Nuclear Disarmament now plans to cross into Nevada Wednesday from a campsite just 400 yards inside the California state line, said spokesman Ben Zeman. “We had some problems with permits and getting the (camping) sites established,” Zeman said. The 225 would-be marchers remained camped along Interstate 15, where they heard a telephoned message of encouragement from the Rev. Jesse Jackson. Calling from Georgia, Jackson expressed his admiration for the anti-nuclear protesters’ perseverance. The march has been plagued by internal disputes and lack of money since it began in Los Angeles March 1. The marchers want to reach Washington by Nov. 15.
