

A panel of three judges for the San Diego Area Dance Alliance selected Sylvia Palmer Zetler’s restaging of “Le Corsaire” pas de deux, danced by Kathleen McHugh and Michael King, and Patricia Sandback’s “Stain,” a trio with original music by percussionist Jon Szanto, to receive the Ballerina Boutique Choreographic Awards for all-around excellence in dance.

The winners were announced at a reception after the three-concert celebration of local dance last weekend at the San Diego State University Dramatic Arts Theatre.

The weekend of dance showcased 17 works culled from the spectrum of San Diego dance.

Eschewing the helter-skelter arrangement that characterized past performances, the organizing committee divided the programs into full evenings of modern/jazz and ballet/ethnic. Aside from a slight delay Saturday evening, the concerts got off like clockwork and moved along at a lively clip--a feat few local dance troupes have been able to accomplish on their own.
