
‘Does Welfare Create Poverty?’

Does the welfare system create poverty? Ridiculous! Ridiculous! There are Third World countries with no welfare system and poverty is rampant.

“Put simply, we are experiencing more poverty because we have been increasing the amount we pay people to be poor,” Kilpatrick says.

Is the message from the Ohio professors to cut out welfare and then poverty will go away? That doesn’t wash. Kilpatrick’s enthusiasm for this position is tenuous at best. I salute him for his restraint.


I can tell you why there is poverty: lack of job opportunities. If you go into any poverty area and offer a number of jobs at a salary adequate for a basic, no-frills standard of living, you could very well get 100 sincere applicants for each job.

How about a study on what percentage of the population on welfare sincerely desire a decent job and are willing to work?


San Diego
