
Senate Votes ‘Cop-Killer’ Bullets Ban

Associated Press

The Senate voted 87 to 1 today for a bill that would ban the manufacture and importation of “cop-killer” bullets that can pierce body armor worn by police officers, unless the bullets are primarily intended for legitimate sporting purposes.

Meanwhile, the House Judiciary crime subcommittee unanimously approved a compromise gun bill. It would permit interstate sales of rifles and shotguns, but leave in effect a current ban on cross-state handgun sales.

The bullets measure has long been sought by police organizations. It would ban the manufacture and import of armor-piercing ammunition made of seven specified metals, unless the bullets are primarily intended for legitimate sporting purposes.


The bullets bill will go to a House-Senate conference. The House version, which passed last year 400 to 21, would ban sales of current stocks of the ammunition on dealers’ shelves--a provision not in the Senate bill.

The lone negative vote was by Sen. Steven D. Symms (R-Ida.).

House members have been under pressure by the National Rifle Assn. and allied groups to pass legislation that would ease current gun law restrictions. Law enforcement organizations and handgun control advocates have lobbied just as hard to oppose the plan.

Rep. William J. Hughes (D-N.J.), subcommittee chairman, said he hopes that the compromise will head off an NRA-backed House petition to bypass the Judiciary Committee and allow a Senate-passed bill easing controls to reach the House floor.


That bill would permit interstate sales of all firearms, sparking opposition by those who do not want cross-state handgun sales.

The bill would also create a mandatory 10-year, first-offense prison term for using or carrying a machine gun during a federal crime involving violence or drug-trafficking. The term would go to 20 years for a subsequent offense.

The measure also would expand a current ban on some conversion parts to include all parts used to convert a semiautomatic to an automatic weapon.
