
Davis-Fiedler Contretemps

Fiedler calls it a dirty trick, the press calls it self-righteousness, and others plainly refer to it as political stupidity. I, as a voter, however, refer to Sen. Ed Davis’ (R-Valencia) refusal to accept the offer moral integrity. Once again, Ed Davis, despite the political consequences, has demonstrated courage and decency as a public official.

Isn’t it about time our politicians, entrusted with the reins of democracy, say no to high wheeling, backroom deals? Or have we as a society become so jaded and disenchanted with our political system that we no longer expect, nor demand, virtue in government?

Ed Davis could not be bought as a cop, nor as a state senator. Obeying the law is not a dirty trick, nor is it self-righteous or stupid, it’s merely right!



Granada Hills
