
Schabarum Facts

I am writing in regard to your letters (Jan. 10), which responded to an article (Editorial Pages, Dec. 30) by Peter F. Schabarum, chairman of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisor.

His article pointed out the costs to the taxpayers of Los Angeles County to furnish health, justice and social services to undocumented aliens in the amount of more than $200 million a year.

I feel that Schabarum knows his facts and has the full resources of county research behind him. Where did your letter writers get their “facts?”


Charles M. Larson stated of Schabarum, “I thought that he just voted himself a raise . . . Well, Larson definitely has his facts wrong and if you check The Times files, I’m sure you will find out the facts. Which are: the Legislature is the only body empowered to raise the salaries of county supervisors, and those raises are automatically tied to the salaries for Superior Court judges.


Beverly Hills
