
‘Poetry and Smog’

I read with a great deal of interest the article (Dec. 30), “New State Study Challenges Old Smog Theories.”

Having worked for several years on the subject of elimination of smog-forming components from automobile exhaust gases, it is my firm conviction that smog from this source can only and exclusively be eliminated by the reduction to an absolute minimum of the nitrogen oxides formed in the combustion of gasoline and air in the internal combustion engine.

The brilliant work of Prof. Haagen-Smit--who found that the reaction of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and actinic light lead to the formation of peroxy alkyl nitrates, the precursors of ozone--indicated that the role of nitrogen oxides must be considered of paramount importance.


Unquestionably there is a reaction converting ozone to oxygen by means of nitrogen oxides. The active component is neither nitrogen monoxide nor nitrogen dioxide. It is the combination of the two, nitrogen trioxide, in low concentration present in the gas. The trioxide is highly reactive and will turn ozone into oxygen. However, the nitrogen trioxide will return to nitrogen oxide, which is only reactive with oxygen to components that will ultimately result in nitric acid (acid rain). The total reaction scheme will have peroxides and ozone, also nitrogen oxides, which will not be destroyed, but stay about to form nitric acid.

The formation of nitric acid is chemically a tedious affair, which is the reason why we see the red-brown haze over Los Angeles and the environment.

If nitrogen oxides were absent and only carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons were present, these components could be oxidized without ever producing ozone or peroxides, and consequently smog.


The almost total elimination of nitrogen oxides in the combustion in a motor can be accomplished by burning an “emulsion” of gasoline and water, which will reduce the combustion temperature substantially. Emulsions with 305 to 50% water will result in nitrogen oxide reductions up to and over 90%.


