
The fans of European soccer champion Juventus...

The fans of European soccer champion Juventus of Turin will be able to watch a live television broadcast of their team’s European Cup second-round game against fellow Italian club Verona, even though no spectators will be permitted in the stadium, the Union of European Football Associations announced.

The soccer body’s disciplinary committee, in keeping with past practice, originally forbade any live telecast when, in the wake of the Brussels soccer riot on May 29, it decreed on June 20 that Juventus would have to play its next two European Cup home games in empty stadiums.

Juventus played its first-round game in a stadium devoid of fans and with only three minutes of live television permitted, but, in an unusual move, UEFA’s organizing commission overruled the broadcast ban after Turin police told UEFA they feared riots if the TV ban was not lifted.


Proceeds from the transmission of the Nov. 6 game will go to families of the victims of the Heysel Stadium disaster in which 39 spectators died before the championship match between Juventus and Liverpool of England.
