
An all-star cast, including Kirk Douglas, Elizabeth...

An all-star cast, including Kirk Douglas, Elizabeth Montgomery and Dorothy McGuire, will bring the story of “Amos” to CBS Sunday night at 9 (Channels 2 and 8).

In this new TV movie, Douglas is cast as a cantankerous former baseball coach who regularly locks horns with an overbearing head nurse (Montgomery) in the convalescent home where he has been confined after an automobile accident that took the life of his wife.

Not only is Montgomery’s character of Daisy Daws constantly in conflict with Amos, but Daisy also seems bizarrely to determine the tenure of the home’s residents.


McGuire is also a patient in this two-hour suspense drama, along with Pat Morita and Ray Walston.

The executive producer of “Amos” is another Douglas: Kirk’s son, Peter.
