
Garden Grove : State Grant Sought for Gallery Reconstruction

City officials hope to win a $63,051 state grant to help pay for a planned reconstruction of the Mills House, a city-sponsored art gallery on the Village Green at Main and Euclid streets.

The $200,000 project would demolish and rebuild the west wing of the house, which is plagued by plumbing and electrical problems and a roof that leaks considerably when it rains, said executive director Tom Bradac. He said the reconstruction would allow for some small exhibits in the new wing but would primarily be used for receptions, art classes and other public activities.

The house was built in 1922 and converted to an art gallery in 1974. It is situated to the north of the city’s arts complex, which also features the Gem Theater and the Festival Amphitheatre.


A construction schedule hasn’t been drawn up yet, and a gallery employee said it would probably be at least a year before work begins.

The City Council will consider the grant application at its meeting Tuesday. “We really need to know whether or not we’re going to get that grant before we move ahead,” said city engineer Joe Schenk.
