
Fullerton : Parking Meters Out Under Proposed Plan

Visitors to downtown Fullerton may soon find it easier to park their cars. That, at least, is the hope of city officials looking to implement a parking study presented to City Council members last week.

The report calls for improvements in downtown parking lots, elimination of parking meters and stricter police enforcement by assigning a full-time officer exclusively to the area. The study, prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas Inc., also calls for the elimination of parking fees.

“Employees (of downtown businesses) are spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to park down there without paying for it,” said Terry Galvin, Fullerton’s Redevelopment Agency manager. The solution: Do away with the fees, according to the report.


The report, initiated last November, updates the downtown land-use plan, documents existing parking conditions and suggests improvements. A 1982 study recommended development in downtown be oriented to specialty retailers.

The area targeted in the parking report is the 100 and 200 blocks of Harbor Boulevard.

Officials hope to begin the improvements early next year, he said.
