
San Clemente : Police Get Pay Boosts Under 2-Year Contract

The city’s 30 rank-and-file police officers will be getting bigger paychecks soon as the result of a new two-year contract between the city and the San Clemente Peace Officers Assn.

Under terms of the contract, officers will receive a 2% pay raise immediately, bringing the salary range to between $2,033 and $2,472 a month.

The contract also provides for a 5% raise in January, 1986, a 2% hike in July, 1986, and a 5% increase in January, 1987.


The contract also contains two new provisions that will affect police officers hired after July 4 of this year.

Officers put on the force after that date will be required to pass biannual physical fitness tests as a condition of continued employment.

New officers who leave the department within two years will be required to reimburse the city for training expenses.


“It’s a substantial investment to bring a police office aboard,” Greg Hulzer, assistant city manager, said. “What we’re looking for here is to get back a commitment.”
