
The House : Limits on President

By a vote of 312 for and 111 against, the House adopted an amendment requiring a President to obtain congressional approval before sending combat troops into Nicaragua, except when certain emergency conditions are present.

Although Democratic sponsors termed the ban an important check on President Reagan, the President’s supporters said they had neutralized the amendment by adding key exceptions during floor debate.

Because of the exceptions, the measure drew support from many of Reagan’s allies.

The vote occurred during debate on the fiscal 1986 defense authorization bill (HR 1872), which was passed and sent to conference with the Senate.


Supporter Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said the amendment deserves support from “those of us who are afraid that the President will abusively for political or ideological reasons” order an invasion of Nicaragua.

Opponent Dan Burton (R-Ind.) said Reagan “has the ability and the wisdom to deal with the problems in our hemisphere, and throughout the world, and we should have more trust and confidence in him.”

Members voting yes favored the amendment.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) x Rep. Dornan (R) x Rep. Lungren (R) x

Congressional Notice

The House rejected an amendment to the 1986 defense bill to require that Congress be notified whenever U.S. troops in Honduras become active near the Nicaraguan border. The vote was172 for and 217 against.


Supporter Edward Markey (D-Mass.) said he was concerned that American troops in Honduras might “cross a trip wire which would engage us in a broader conflict in that region inadvertently.”

Opponent Thomas Hartnett (R-S.C.) said it was wrong for the House to be “sending signals of weakness” at a time when America is “under siege by terrorists all across the world.”

Members voting yes wanted Congress to be notified in the event of U.S. military activity near the Honduras-Nicaragua border.


How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) x Rep. Dornan (R) x Rep. Lungren (R) x

The State Senate Tax Reform Plea

The Senate on a 25-3 vote passed a resolution (SJR30) by Sen. David A. Roberti (D-Los Angeles) asking President Reagan and Congress to provide continued deductibility of state and local taxes in any federal tax reform plan.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Sen. Beverly (R) x Sen. Carpenter (D) x Sen. Dills (D) x

California Veterans

Without dissent, the Senate passed a bill (SB446) by Sen. Newton Russell (R-Glendale) authorizing the sale of $900 million in revenue bonds and use of the money for low-interest home loans for qualified California veterans. The vote was 33 to 0.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Sen. Beverly (R) x Sen. Carpenter (D) x Sen. Dills (D) x
