
The State - News from July 1, 1985

There will be three new faces on the University of California’s Board of Regents beginning July 1. Janice Eberly, 22, an agricultural economics major from UC Davis, will become the new student regent. Also joining the regents as voting ex-officio members will be John Farrell, the new president of the University’s Alumni Assn., and Gary Cusamano, the association’s new vice president. Farrell, 64, a retired chairman of Price Waterhouse International, lives in Woodland Hills. Cusamano, 41, a graduate of UC Davis, is the executive vice president of Newhall Land and Farming Co. in Valencia. In addition, the board voted this month to rename Regent Vilma Martinez, a Los Angeles attorney, as chair and chose Robert Noyce of Santa Clara as vice chair.
