
Jury Duty

Recently I had the privilege of serving on jury duty at the downtown courts. This was a very educational and enlightening experience. Also very positive. All the court staff that interact with the jurors were polite and considerate. In fact there was only one negative experience--getting out of the juror’s parking lot (Lot 26) during rush hour.

The lot has only one exit and that has no traffic control associated with it. One day I was 12th in line to leave the lot and it took me 35 minutes to get on the street.

A major contributor to this problem is a steady stream of buses moving north on Olive Street. Frequently there would be an unending line of buses. One car may be able to sneak out of the lot if a bus driver was “slow” on the accelerator.


I would like to recommend that a traffic officer be stationed at the Olive Street exit from Lot 26 between 4 and 5 p.m. each day.


