
Land of the Pueblos

I wish to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to you for your May 5 article.

My late husband, Richard, a graduate of the USC School of Music, myself and two children lived on the Nambe Indian Reservation in 1961-62. My husband was the music supervisor of all the pueblos from Santa Fe to Taos. Our family was the first non-Indian family to live at Nambe. My daughter attended my all-Indian school of grades 1-2-3. My son attended another pueblo school as he was older.

The Nambe Reservation is a fond memory for us. It is beautiful beyond description. The people were especially bright, talented and handsome. Life on the reservation is so rich and rewarding. I was especially pleased to learn that Gilbert Pena, a well-known family name, has been named the chairman of the All Indian Pueblo Council for the entire state. We knew everyone on the reservation since it is so small, with approximately 250 residents.

I am a close friend to Iron Eyes Cody of the movie industry fame. He too has been an honorable, hard-working member of our special first Americans. We can all be grateful for what the pueblo Indians have contributed to our culture.


Your article was very honest and informative.


Redondo Beach
