
Nu-Med Inc. of Encino said it had...

Nu-Med Inc. of Encino said it had signed an agreement to acquire Holly House Hospital, a 60-bed private acute-care hospital in Buckhurst Hill, Essex, England. Upon completion of the acquisition, Nu-Med will own and operate 16 acute-care hospitals totaling 1,652 licensed beds and 11 adjacent medical-office buildings in the United States and England.

Bob Thomas & Associates, a public relations firm based in Redondo Beach, has announced the sale of its BTA Communications Inc. subsidiary to Davis, Johnson, Mogul & Colombatto. The subsidiary, whose accounts include Ralph’s Grocery Co. and Air Hawaii, generated about 40% of the parent company’s total billings. Terms of the sale were not disclosed.

DJMC, a Los Angeles public relations firm, said a new company, Gelman & Gray Communications, will be formed as a result of the acquisition. Chuck Gelman will be president and chief executive; Rosalind Gray, formerly with the Bob Thomas company, will be executive vice president.


American Medical International, a hospital and health-care services company headquartered in Beverly Hills, said it has reached an agreement with George Washington University to operate the GWU Health Plan as a joint venture. The GWU Health Plan is a health-maintenance organization with approximately 20,000 members in Washington.

Angeles Corp. said it acquired a shopping center in Oregon and a garden-apartment complex in Alabama, for a total of $24.8 million in cash and notes. Angeles is a Los Angeles-based diversified investment-management company.

Hotel Properties Inc. of Los Angeles said it has signed an agreement to purchase two motor hotels, located in Irving and El Paso, Tex., each containing 178 rooms. Purchase prices were not disclosed.


Hathaway Corp. of Denver said it acquired 100% ownership of Global Software Inc., a computer-software firm headquartered in Raleigh, N.C., for $6.9 million in cash and notes. Hathaway, a diversified-electronics company, has production facilities in seven cities, including Chatsworth and Sacramento.

CalMat Co. of Los Angeles said its California Portland Cement subsidiary has agreed in principal to sell its Soldier Creek Coal Co. near Price, Utah, for $22 million to Sunedco Coal Co. Sunedco is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sun Co. of Radnor, Pa. The sale is expected to close Sept. 1.

Computer Sciences Corp. of El Segundo said its London-based subsidiary, Computer Sciences Co., has been awarded a $7.6-million contract from the British government for computer-system support services.


Amdahl Corp., a Sunnyvale, Calif.-based maker of large-scale computers, said it will be expanding its Dublin, Ireland, manufacturing facility that primarily supplies Amdahl’s central processor line of products to the company’s international markets in Europe, Canada and the Pacific Basin.

Arco Metals Co., a Chicago division of Los Angeles-based Atlantic Richfield Co., said it has reached an agreement with Southern Centrifugal Inc. of Chattanooga, Tenn., for the sale of Wisconsin Centrifugal Inc. of Waukesha, Wis. No purchase price was announced.

Mouse Systems Corp., a Santa Clara, Calif.-based designer and manufacturer of computer-related optical mice and mouse-oriented software, said it completed placement of $3 million in private financing.

Beverly Hills-based Hamburger Hamlets Inc., owners and operators of 22 specialty restaurants, said its current major expansion program will result in the addition of four new restaurants in Southern California and one in Washington.
