

Times Staff Writer

Governor Told 2,000 seniors attending the Governor’s Conference on Aging that he “will not rest” until the elderly can walk the streets of California without fear from criminals. Also told reporters later that he hopes Congress won’t have to cut benefits to Social Security recipients.

Assembly Floor Action: Child Molestation: Approved and sent to the Senate on a 76-0 vote a bill (AB 443) by Assemblyman Bill Leonard (R-Redlands) to require persons convicted of repeated child molestation offenses to serve 15 years to life in state prison.

Committee Action:

Minimum Wage: The Labor Committee defeated a bill (AB 293) by Assemblyman Richard E. Floyd (D-Hawthorne) to require the state to increase the minimum hourly wage from $3.35 to $4. The bill received a 5-6 vote.


Senate Floor Action:

Low-Level Nuclear Waste Disposal: Refused to concur in Assembly changes to a bill (SB 106) by Sen. Alfred E. Alquist (D-San Jose) to ratify a Western Low-Level Waste Disposal Compact when California and Arizona enact one. A 1-26 vote sent the bill to a two-house conference committee, which will try to work out a compromise.

Committee Action:

Firearms: The Education Committee approved a bill (SB 1130) by Sen. H. L. Richardson (R-Glendora) to authorize high schools to offer firearm safety courses. A 7-2 vote sent the bill to the Senate floor.


Stanford Turns Down Presidential Appointment: Dan Stanford, chairman of the Fair Political Practices Commission, the state’s watchdog agency on campaign contributions, has turned down an appointment to the Federal Election Commission, which does the same kind of work. Stanford said it was a “difficult decision” for him to ask President Reagan to withdraw his name from consideration, but he had to do it because of his commitment to pending FPPC matters.


Sen. Maddy Wins Moretti Golf Tournament: A foursome led by Sen. Ken Maddy (R-Fresno) and lobbyist Joe V. Criscione of the Kaiser Health Plan Inc. won the first-place trophy at the first annual Bob Moretti Memorial Scholarship Foundation Golf Tournament. Maddy’s team shot a 65, seven under par, in the tournament. It netted $20,000 to help send the late Moretti’s son, Matt, to Notre Dame University, his father’s alma mater. One hundred and forty-four golfers competed in the event.
