
House Panel OKs $1.2-Billion Cut in ‘Star War’ Funds Request

From a Times Staff Writer

A House Armed Services subcommittee agreed Thursday on a fiscal 1986 budget for defense research and development that would trim $1.2 billion from President Reagan’s requested $3.7 billion for the so-called “Star Wars” space defense program, congressional sources said.

But the subcommittee, which accepted the staff recommendation without a vote, did not consider three amendments that are expected to be brought up next week when the full committee takes up the issue of the controversial program, formally known as the Strategic Defense Initiative.

The subcommittee’s proposed spending level of $2.5 billion still exceeds the $1.4 billion that Congress appropriated during the current fiscal year for “Star Wars” research. Reagan’s fiscal 1986 budget seeks a 165% increase in “Star Wars” funding over fiscal 1985.


Will Offer Amendment

Rep. Jim Courter (R-N. J.) has indicated that, when the issue comes up in the full House Armed Services Committee next week, he will offer an amendment to increase the spending level by an unspecified amount, and Rep. Ronald V. Dellums (D-Berkeley) will offer what he has described as a “significant” cut in the subcommittee proposal.

A third amendment expected to be raised in the full committee will call for a freeze at last year’s spending levels. It has been put forth by Reps. Nicholas Mavroules (D-Mass.) and Dennis M. Hertel (D-Mich.), who specifically want to prohibit all “Star Wars” demonstration projects currently under consideration by the Administration.

The Senate Armed Services Committee voted last month to trim $300 million from Reagan’s request for fiscal 1986.
