
Q: Where should I look for...

Q: Where should I look for a roller-skating or ice-skating costume pattern for a 13-year-old who is 5 feet, 6 inches tall? I have to make several dresses for some kind of competition.--R.S. A: The full-circle skirt illustrated here is available in pattern form for $1.25, and it can be attached to the leotard of your choice. For more information, write to Skating Patterns by Trudi, P.O. Box 362, East Longmeadow, Mass. 01028. The same company also makes boys’ and men’s skating patterns. The look has application beyond the ice rink, and it is an excellent choice for those lovers of mini outfits whose legs don’t quite deserve to be bared.

Q: I hate to appear stupid, but can you tell me what a wing collar is?--K.E. A: A wing collar is a stand-up band collar with folded-back tabs or wings. It is considered correct for formal evening wear or day wear with a tailored coat, cutaway or dinner jacket, or with an Oxford-gray jacket and striped trousers. Paris designer Karl Lagerfeld made this collar popular for everyday wear with business suits.

Q: My grandmother is allergic to synthetics of any kind, and so are my children. Undergarments of 100% cotton are crucial, but finding them is no small--and so far no easy--task. Can you help with sources for all-cotton everything?--K.H. A: Here’s a list of firms specializing in all-cotton clothing and underwear: The Cotton Company, P.O. Box 631, 1800 S. Watkins St., Chattanooga, Tenn. 37401; Cotton Dresses, 999 Laredo Lane, P.O. Box 1261, Sebastian, Fla. 32958; the Cotton Loom, 12730 W. Golf Drive, Miami, Fla. 33167; Cottontails, P.O. Box 206, Rionido, Calif. 95471; Ecologists Cotton Co-op, P.O. Box 59721, Dallas, Tex. 75229; Powers’ Country Store, Route 120, Cornish, N.Y. 03746; the Vashon Island Country Store, Route 2, Box 304, Vashon, Wash. 98070; the Vermont Country Store, Mail-Order Office, P.O. Box 3000, Manchester Center, Vt. 05255; Garnet Hill, Franconia, N.H. 03580; the Richman Co., 2627 Piner Road, Santa Rosa, Calif. 95401; Wittman Textiles, Drawer A, Hobe Sound, Fla. 33455; Erlander’s, P.O. Box 106, Altadena 91001; J. Jill Ltd., Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington, Mass. 01230.


Marylou Luther welcomes questions for use in this column. She regrets she cannot answer mail personally. Send your questions to Clotheslines, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
