‘Reeling Under Budget Cuts’
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While we were pleased to note the reference in your editorial (April 1), “Reeling Under Budget Cuts,” to Los Angeles County’s potential loss should general revenue sharing be cut off, we believe far greater attention must be drawn to the enormous impact the Reagan Administration’s proposal would have on our county.
As the editorial noted, Los Angeles County now receives more than $80 million annually, all of which is allocated to health services, which are both essential and state-mandated. This loss alone would be greater than combined revenue losses to the county from all the other reductions proposed by the Administration.
Because the county has no financial reserves or additional revenue-raising authority, lost general revenue-sharing funds would have to be replaced by means of further cuts in other important programs, many of which have already been hard hit by budget cuts at the federal, state and local level.
The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that it is in the national interest to promote the well-being of America’s cities and counties and that high priority should be given to measures that enhance the economic base of local governments. Continuation of revenue sharing is essential to achieve these goals.
On behalf of the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles County, we urge opposition to the Administration’s proposal to eliminate revenue sharing funds from the new fiscal year budget.
Trotter is president and Armstrong is social policy director of the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles County.