
Laguna Hills : Woman Dies of Injuries Suffered in Auto Crash

A Laguna Hills woman died Wednesday night of injuries she suffered when her husband accidentally pushed the accelerator instead of the brakes and crashed their car into a traffic signal.

Vera Cornwell, 84, underwent surgery at Saddleback Community Hospital on Saturday night for severe head injuries and facial fractures, and remained in critical condition until her death. Her 86-year-old husband, Dewey, is reported in fair condition at the hospital with knee and hand injuries.

California Highway Patrol Officer Patrick Barnard said the accident occurred as Cornwell, driving the couple’s 1969 Ford, approached the intersection of El Toro Road and Avenida Sevilla shortly after he had driven away from their Leisure World home Friday afternoon. The car jumped the curb and struck a traffic signal, Barnard said.


The car, which left a 96-foot skid mark, was demolished.
