
Of Abortions and Bombings

What kind of society do we have that produces 21-year-olds who do not believe in the law of the land? Young men who give their lives in the service of “God’s law”? My heart goes out to those who must pay the price and go to jail for unlawful, violent destruction of property in the name of God.

Society must be protected from Matthew J. Goldsby and James Thomas Simmons. But I do believe that the public has a right to know the background of these two young men and perhaps some of this “superiority-righteousness” can be avoided. MARGARET GARCIA Homeland I am angry! But it isn’t people I am angry with. It is the spirit of murder under the guise of legal abortion. Blowing up the abortion clinics across America will not stop this. The only way we can stop it is by prayer and education.

You cannot fight in the flesh something that is in the spirit realm. TAMARA GRUBER Monrovia It is in the best interest of our nation’s senior citizens to shoulder some of the responsibility in the fight against abortion. I say responsibility because they are the ones whose grandchildren are now having abortions. I use the term best interest because, given the present course, it is only a matter of time before they are viewed in the same light as the unwanted child.


After all, if the concept of “quality of life” is used to argue for the death of a potentially retarded infant, then the same reasoning can just as easily and logically be applied to the senile, arthritic and the bedridden. For those in the elderly community who feel un-threatened because of their financial security acquired through a lifetime of industriousness, think through the situation again. If life at its beginning is devalued, eventually life at its maturity will be equally cheapened.

It stands to reason that a vote for abortion is a package deal. Euthanasia for the comatose senior citizen will quickly degenerate into elimination of the unwanted or economically burdensome elderly. THOMAS B. FINNEGAN Mission Viejo
