
West Los Angeles

Robert L. Snyder, a psychologist with experience in dealing with troubled youths, has been appointed by Supervisor Ed Edelman to serve on the county Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Commission.

Snyder already serves on the boards of the American Assn. of Suicidology-Suicide Prevention Centers, the California State Commission on Youth Suicide, the California Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists and the County Psychological Assn.

The commission assists in narcotics conferences in the county and can review and recommend changes in programs in the fields of medication, rehabilitation and enforcement.


Edelman has also announced two other appointments: The Rev. Charles W. Doak has been named to serve on the countywide Citizens Planning Council and Stanley Rogers has been reappointed to the Consumer Affairs Commission.

Doak, a Presbyterian clergyman with the United Ministries in Higher Education at UCLA, will work with the planning council in reviewing goals and programs of the county’s General Plan.

Rogers, an attorney active in a number of citizens advisory groups, will continue advising the Board of Supervisors on consumer protection.
